Keep this in mind. Your specialty, otherwise known as your niche, is the key to you successfully being able to earn money online. You have to become regarded as the person to go to in your field. Nonetheless, as entrepreneurs, we are also presented with challenges posed by the very tool which allows us to be entrepreneurs, the Internet. Due to the vast scope of the Internet, it presents us with some challenges.
Now that we have established that the Internet is massive, how do we develop a strategy to earn money online? First, we need to come up with a plan. Once we plan our work, we work our plan until we achieve our goals. The key here is to completely exhaust all options until you are either successful, or it is painfully obvious that there is no success to be had.
Now that we have our plan of action, we have to determine how we are going to bring attention to ourselves on the World Wide Web. In other words, how are we going to go about marketing our business? One thing that you are going to want to avoid, is attempting to go head-to-head with a well established conglomerate. Contrarily, you must look for fairly untrodden opportunities just waiting to be discovered by artful entrepreneurs such as ourselves.
You must first break down what you are selling, or planning to sell. Specifically, the niche in which you plan to sell should be one in which you are knowledgeable, or have a high degree of interest in. While your niche may appeal to many, think of who would be most interested. If your products are attractive to lawyers as a group, you are looking at a rather broad niche, and should narrow it down. For instance, ask yourself if Personal Injury, Real Estate or Criminal Attorneys would benefit most from your products or services. From there, you may even need to define your niche further. Perhaps you might focus on litigators.
Okay, here is the fun part. You have pinpointed your niche. Therefore, it is time to discover relevant search phrases. Visit Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and determine how many competing websites there are for these search phrases by conducting a search, and seeing how many results are returned. Once you have done this, run the search phrases though Google AdWords: Keyword Tool (it's free) to determine how many people are using this search phrase per month. If the number is high enough, and there are few competing websites, congratulations, you have discovered your niche.
Now that you have targeted your niche, place both the name of the niche, and two best keywords or key phrases in the title tag of your website. If you do this, you will help the search engine rankings of your website, in addition to telling your visitor what your website is about.
If you choose a niche, your website will stand out more so than if you do not. This in turn will dramatically increase your ability to earn money online. As discussed, the key is to locate a niche with low competition and a high volume of customers. Doing this will set yourself up for success.
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