If you have decided to obtain an online law school degree, do not think that it will be a push over. There is not a single university that takes the practicing of law lightly. You will still have to spend long hours studying and memorizing the law.
At the present time, only the state of California permits students that have been educated in law online to take the bar examination. You will have to either be living in the state or willing to relocate to obtain your license on the chance you pass the bar examination as part of the requirement.
You must have also completed a minimum of 60 course hours of credit at the college level with a GPA at or above the minimum requirement to graduate.
To qualify for the examination, you must also have completed 864 hours of study and preparation per year with a registered online law school. You also must be a registered law student.
There is a first year test that must be passed that includes the basics of law like contracts, criminal law, and the basic concepts of law or torts that all 1st year law students are exposed to and are required to know. This is a four hour test that is given twice a year.
All lawyers in California are required to be of good moral standing and this must be proven to the committee by having an evaluation of yourself that could include a background check.
Another test that must be passed is the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam that is 2 hours and 5 minutes long. There are 60 multiple choice questions that cover representing clients, privileges, and contempt of court issues. This exam is given twice a year.
Once all the requirements are met for graduating, the bar exam must be taken and passed. This exam is given over the course of three days.
Obtaining an online law school degree is unlike any other education. This is not for the faint of heart.
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