As a result of changes in the labour market, many adults are going back to school to improve their chances of finding work, enhance their careers or simply because they enjoy studying.
If you haven't studied for many years, hitting the books can come as a bit of a shock and it isn't just books you'll be dealing with, you will need to be able to find your way around various types of interactive media.
Tip #1 Familiarize Yourself with Technology
If you aren't used to surfing the internet and sending email, learn before you start college. This will make life a lot easier and although colleges will have classes to help you catch up, you will have plenty of new skills and experiences to deal with. So, if you have kids, get them to teach you or get online and find some basic tutorials. If you don't have internet access at home, go to your local library or
Tip #2 Take Advantage of Study Skills Classes
Most colleges will organize classes and workshops in various study skills and these will be directed at older students and those with recognized learning difficulties, including dyslexia. Make sure you know what is on offer and if you have any concerns about writing essays, giving presentations or anything else, be sure to sign up for the appropriate class.
Tip #3 Make Sure You Plan Your Studies
This is particularly important if you have a family to take care of or are studying part time whilst keeping your full or part time job. It is important to look at the subjects to be covered in the first semester and the assignments you will be expected to complete. You can then make sure you cover all of the necessary material. Too much time spent on one subject may give you good grades, but if this is at the expense of another subject, you could find yourself in trouble.
Tip #4 Start Assignments and Exam Preparation in Good Time
This one is for all of you who left your homework and revision to the last minute when you were in high school. College level work is much more demanding and you will be left to your own devices - no tutors or parents pushing you and checking up on you. So it is up to you to get things done on time.
Tip #5 Delegate Where Possible
You will find that you have less time for household chores and if you have a family, now is the time to get them involved in housework. Even small children can learn to clear up after themselves and older children and adults will have to pull their weight. Don't try to do everything yourself - the dust will still be there next week.
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